The benefits
Summary of the major benefits
of Vacuum Technology
Vacuum Technology resolves many of the problems with existing Sprinkler Systems (dry/wet systems), while maintaining the efficiency of the sprinkler system as a means of fighting fires. These benefits concern every stage in the life cycle of a sprinkler system.
- Our technology resolves serious customer problems (frost, corrosion, leaks, reliability).
- It is already certified by the North American expert, Factory Mutual, and the European ANPI.
- Our technology is tried and tested: the first installations have been in operation for several years.
- The economic and environmental benefits of the vacuum system:
- Longevity, reliability compared to wet/dry systems, whose performance deteriorates after years of corrosion and sludge formation.
- Re-use of the existing pipe network (after checking the condition of the pipes and regulatory compliance).
- Ease of maintenance and operation.
- Fast & easy installation.
- No leaks; no/less corrosion, sludge formation, proliferation of microorganisms.
- Better risk management means lower insurance premiums.
- Lower maintenance costs.
- Lower heating costs: a vacuum network requires no heating.
- No need for antifreeze (glycol, etc.).
- No need for galvanised steel pipes.
- No need to use drinking water: all water sources can be used (drinking water, rainwater, river, sea, recycled water, etc.).
- Certain zones/sites, previously off-limits, can now be protected with sprinklers thanks to Vactec Technology.
Vacuum Technology: a revolutionary evolution
Vacuum Technology is an evolution of the Sprinkler System, inasmuch as it reuses the broad operating principles (spraying water from sprinklers, etc.), the structure (water source supplying one or more networks, etc.), and the sizing and engineering principles (risk analysis and dimensions of networks and water sources according to existing regulations). The specific rules and recommendations, along with the opportunities available, are supplied by Vactec (validated by FM) for the application of the Vacuum Technology.
Vacuum Technology is a Sprinkler System revolution, since it enables unique game-changing usage:
- No leaks from the sprinkler networks into their environment.
- A radically more reliable, more durable, easier-to-operate system than existing wet/dry systems.
- Great flexibility of use for any type of configuration (tree, mesh, loop networks, etc.), and any type of activation (with or without preaction [non-/single/double interlock]).
- Vacuum Sprinkler Networks are truly dry, and Vacuum Technology provides a natural response to the problems of frost, as well as of corrosion and the proliferation of microorganisms, all of which progressively degrade the performance of the systems through sludge formation, limit their service life, and disrupt their environment through contaminant or damaging leaks, and the repeated need for maintenance operations that disrupt the use of the protected premises.